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Meet Yasmine
Hi there! My name is Yasmine (lovingly known as Min-Min). I am a proud 1st gen Filipino American from SoCal. I am so grateful for everyone who has supported me from the very beginning and to everyone just joining - welcome!
"Kamahalan" in Tagalog means her/his excellency. We've reclaimed it - made it uniquely ours. The Kamahalan attitude is fierce, resilient, empowering and radical. The way of our people.
I wanted to blend phrases we've heard growing up with LA culture. As a 1st gen FilAm pinxy I wanted to feel represented in the clothes we wear and the things we buy because this has always been our reality.
I hope it sparks fond childhood memories or reminds you to make rice before someone comes home. My hope is that it affirms your reality.
Always take up space! Ingat friends.